Article Column

The following shortcode has been used to display 15 articles per page with paged navigation using article column view:

[std_articles filter="misc::has_pages::is::true;misc::posts_per_page::is::15;"]

Comments in WordPress
Modified 9 years ago by MammaMia
3 min read
Comments allow your website's visitors to have a discussion with you and each other. When you activate comments on a Page or post, WordPress inserts several text boxes after your content where users can submit their comments. Once you approve a comment, it appears underneath your content. Whether you want to customize how your receive comments or tweak how your site displays comments, WordPress provides a thorough set of options to build a community from the visitors to your site.
Uploading Files
Modified 9 years ago by MammaMia
1 min read
After you log in to WordPress and click on the menu at the top of the screen, you can upload files with the Flash uploader.
Linking Posts Pages and Categories
Modified 9 years ago by MammaMia
6 min read
There are two ways to make internal links from one content page to another in WordPress. One uses permalinks and one does not. The method that does not use permalinks works regardless of whether permalinks are enabled for your site.
Finding Your CSS Styles
Modified 9 years ago by MammaMia
3 min read
Begin by carefully examining a generated page (or test page) and look for some identifying text in the sidebar, near the errant border. Let's say that listed in the sidebar, you have a post title called "All About Harry". You know you'll find that title in your sidebar when you view the page's source code.
Creating Horizontal Menus
Modified 9 years ago by MammaMia
3 min read
Horizontal menus are created with the HTML List feature. Yes, while they are horizontal instead of vertical, like typical lists, they are still a list. CSS presentation styles allow us to set the list to run on one line instead of a separate line for each list item.