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A feed is a function of special software that allows "Feedreaders" to access a site automatically looking for new content and then posting the information about new content and updates to another site. This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites. Some Feeds include RSS (alternately defined as "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication"), Atom or RDF files. Dave Shea, author of the web design weblog Mezzoblue has written a comprehensive summary of feeds. Feeds generally are based on XML technology.

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Hacking is the process of writing code for, or contributing code to, a piece of software.

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HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a markup language used to describe the semantic content of web pages. It is usually used with CSS and/or JavaScript . WordPress renders web pages to conform to the HTML5 standard. The standard is set by the World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ).

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A .htaccess file is a granular configuration file for the Apache web server software, used to set or alter the server's configuration settings for the directory in which it is present, and/or its child directories.

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An IP address is a unique number (e.g. assigned to a computer (or other internet-capable information appliance, such as a network printer) to enable it to communicate with other devices using the Internet Protocol. It is a computer's identity on the internet, and every computer connected to the internet is assigned at least one — although the methods of assigning these addresses, and the permanence and duration of their assignment, differ according to the use of the computer and the circumstances of its internet use.

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Acronym for Integrated Development Environment. Is an application that provides several tools for software development.
An IDE usually includes:

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The role of Feedreader is to gather and display the webfeed from various website to one place.

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In WordPress, a Filter is a function that is associated with an existing Action by specifying any existing Hook .

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A footer area is a horizontal area provided by a theme for displaying information other than the main content of the web page. Themes may provide one or more footer areas below the content. Footer areas usually contain widgets that an administrator of the site can customize.

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As defined by Andy Skelton, Gallery, introduced with WordPress 2.5 , is specifically an exposition of images attached to a post. In that same vein, an upload is "attached to a post" when you upload it while editing a post.

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FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is a client-server protocol for transferring files. It is one way to download files, and the most common way to upload files to a server.

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The gettext system is a set of tools and standards for language translation, used by WordPress to provide versions in many languages. In WordPress a text string for translation may have a domain and a context. For example, a plugin might specify its own domain for translations, and a context might help translators to provide different translations of the same English word or phrase in different parts of the user interface.

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GMT ("Greenwich Mean Time", the time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England) is the old name of the time zone from which all other time zones were measured. It has been replaced by UTC ("Universal Time, Coordinated"), but for most practical purposes UTC and GMT are the same, so the term GMT is still commonly used.

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ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) is a set of programming standards designed to allow programmers to quickly and easily develop efficient Web-based applications. Developed by Process Software and Microsoft Corporation, ISAPI is intended to replace CGI programs.

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