Knowledge Center Dashboard

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Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Members August 6, 2018 3:35 am
Employee Milestone Widgets to power up your sidebars – Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin August 4, 2018 3:57 pm
Campus Directory WordPress Plugin – Search and display faculty, staff and student information July 31, 2018 2:11 am
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Best Contact Form and Management System for WordPress – WP Easy Contact March 7, 2018 10:51 pm
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The best Knowledge base plugin for WordPress – Knowledge Center Enterprise – KB Articles March 5, 2018 7:14 pm
The best Knowledge base plugin for WordPress – Knowledge Center Enterprise – KB Articles March 5, 2018 6:55 pm
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Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Members February 28, 2018 4:39 pm
Knowledge Center Enterprise – Documenter Introduction February 23, 2018 3:41 pm
Best Contact Form and Management System for WordPress – WP Easy Contact February 20, 2018 12:04 pm
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Import, update or Export team member profiles from CSV – Employee Directory Pro February 8, 2018 4:11 pm
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Request A Quote WordPress Plugin – Easy Price Quote Request Management February 8, 2018 4:11 pm
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house January 28, 2018 11:46 am
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Bulk Import/Export/Sync/Reset January 23, 2018 7:37 pm
Wot January 17, 2018 8:00 am
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YouTube Showcase Pro WordPress Plugin – Display your videos in the order you always wanted December 4, 2017 12:33 pm
sye November 29, 2017 6:56 pm

Top Embeds

Embed View Count
Software Issue Manager Enterprise Edition 91
Using WPAS Visual Shortcode Builder 89
Campus Directory WordPress Plugin – Search and display faculty, staff and student information 205
Software Issue Manager Enterprise Dashboard 275
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Members 88
Software Issue Manager WordPress plugin – Customization from plugin settings 81
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Issues 77
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Notifications 96
Software Issue Manager WordPress Plugin – Taxonomy and Archive pages 75
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Multi dimensional searches 72
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Custom Comments 85
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Projects 80
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Bulk Import/Export/Sync/Reset 83
Software Issue Manager Enterprise WordPress Plugin – Custom User Roles 87
Software Issue Manager Pro WordPress Plugin – Dashboards 81
Software Issue Manager Pro WordPress Plugin – Advanced Searches 101
Software Issue Manager Pro WordPress Plugin – Issues, Projects and Members 73
Software Issue Manager Pro WordPress Plugin – Notifications 80
Software Issue Manager Pro WordPress Plugin – Summarize 83
Software Issue Manager Pro WordPress Plugin – Collaboration 100
Software Issue Manager Pro WordPress Plugin – Role based access 75
EMD Advanced Filters and Columns Extension WordPress Plugin 78
Software Issue Manager Pro WordPress Plugin – Customizations 76
Request A Quote WordPress Plugin – Easy Price Quote Request Management 83
EMD Advanced Filters and Columns Extension for “Request a Quote” WordPress Plugin 66
EMD CSV Import Export Extension for “Request a Quote” WordPress Plugin 86
WP Easy Events Pro WordPress plugin – Creating and displaying events 70
WP Easy Events Pro WordPress Plugin – Customizations 77
WP Easy Events Pro WordPress Plugin – Venue Management 88
WP Easy Events WordPress Plugin – Bulk imports and Exports from CSV 84
WP Easy Events WordPress Plugin – Introduction 81
WP Easy Events WordPress Plugin – EMD QR Code Extension 68
WP Easy Events WordPress Plugin – Advanced Filters and Columns Extension 87
WP Easy Events WordPress Plugin – Easy Digital Downloads Extension 105
WP Easy Events WordPress Plugin – WooCommerce Extension 77
Employee Directory WordPress Plugin – Introduction 86
Knowledge Center Pro WordPress Plugin — Customizations 76
Knowledge Center WordPress Plugin – Introduction 86
Knowledge Center Pro WordPress Plugin – Introduction 87
Knowledge Center Enterprise – Documenter Introduction 90
Employee Directory Professional WordPress plugin – Managing Organizational Hierarchies 73
eMD Microsoft Active Directory / LDAP WordPress Plugin – Introduction 92
The best Knowledge base plugin for WordPress – Knowledge Center Enterprise – KB Articles 107
The best Knowledge base plugin for WordPress – Knowledge Center Enterprise – Customizations 81
Best Contact Form and Management System for WordPress – WP Easy Contact 177
MailChimp Plugin for WordPress – Integrates Mailchimp with plugin forms 75
Using Smart Search and Columns Addon of YouTube Showcase Pro 88
It is very easy to connect and display related videos using YouTube Showcase Pro 137
Grow your Contact list WP Easy Contact Pro WordPress Plugin Incoming Email Addon 184
It is very easy to search and find important contacts using WP Easy Contact Pro WordPress Plugin 138
WP Easy Contact Pro WordPress Plugin – Import, Export or Update your Contact list using CSV 146
WP Easy Contact Pro WordPress Plugin – Close deals faster by connecting your contacts to each other 288
YouTube Showcase Pro WordPress Plugin – Display your videos in the order you always wanted 73
Creating awesome custom displays using Visual Shortcode Builder 81
Beautiful team member pages to power up your site – Employee Spotlight Pro 99
Filter, sort and export employee records using Smart Search Addon 625
Import, update or Export team member profiles from CSV – Employee Spotlight Pro 96
Import, update or Export team member profiles from CSV – Employee Directory Pro 77
Employee Milestone Widgets to power up your sidebars – Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin 255
Powerful yet easy to use Company Directory – Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin 141
Customize it to your needs from plugin settings – Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin 159
Categorize or tag employees by interest groups, locations, departments and more 86
Easy to use yet powerful Company Events Management – Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin 79
Create custom fields and optionally add them Employee Directory Pro search forms 93
Employee Datagrid to display employees in tabular format 82
Drag and Drop employee records to set the display order 96
Advanced Filters and Columns Addon for finding what’s important faster 120
Beautiful Employee profile summary and detail pages to power up your site 90
Import, Update or Export Employees and Events from or to CSV 83
eMD vCard Addon helps customers and employees get up-to-date contact information. 180
Setting Advisor-Advisee and Faculty-Support staff relationships. 79
eMD vCard Addon to save faculty, staff and student information as vCard 133
Drag and drop faculty, staff and student records to set the display order 82
WP Ticket open and search ticket forms – WP Ticket Enterprise WordPress Plugin 76
Easy to use, powerful support tickets – WP Ticket Enterprise WordPress Plugin 92
Attach files to your support ticket to help customers faster 84
Create unlimited number of support agents to help your customers 114
Add custom fields to your support ticket database 100
Powerful client area for all your customers 79
Custom roles for managers and agents help employees focus on tasks at hand 101
Keep everyone posted with custom customer and administrator notifications 87
Categorize and tags support tickets for better searches 85
Custom support ticket commenting system with private comment option 264
Powerful search forms to find exactly what you are looking for 83
WP Ticket offers powerful customization options and tools 83
Member and Project dashboards 79
Categorize and group projects, members and issues 77
Accept project issues and comments from incoming email 88
Customize any issue, project or member search or entry form to your needs 84
Widgets to power up your software development site sidebars 115
How to use Analytics component to create powerful custom reports 81
Support Agent specific dashboards to track performance and workload 75
WP Ticket Enterprise helps you relate support tickets to each other 90
Ticket and Agent summary pages to find information faster 149
A powerful and easy to use central location for all your employee information 160
Powerful tagcloud to search employees with a few clicks 90
Expand what your employees can do with a few clicks 81
Expand the scope of Employee Directory roles with a few clicks 76
Powerful tag cloud searches to find employees faster 87
Simple to use employee performance management for better Employee Engagement and Development 88
Expand the scope of built-in user roles from the plugin settings 81
Expand the scope of built-in user roles from the plugin settings 96
Expand what event staff can do – WP Easy Events Pro WordPress Plugin 87
Expand what campus directory staff can do – Campus Directory Pro WordPress Plugin 112
Get more work out of contact managers – WP Easy Contact Pro WordPress Plugin 201
Get more work out of video managers – YouTube Showcase Pro WordPress Plugin 68
Bulk import, export or update tickets from or to CSV 88
Organize and Search Support Ticket List for Success 88
Accepts support tickets from emails 92
Recent Tickets and Comments Sidebar widgets 86
Showcase your team’s talent with Employee Spotlight 107
Best Support Ticket Plugin for WordPress – WP Ticket introduction 96
Import, Export, Update videos from, to CSV – YouTube Showcase Pro WordPress Plugin 94
Display your YouTube videos in WordPress instantly 117
Create alphabetical searches based on employee names, departments and job titles 95
Mapping custom fields in Active Directory/LDAP to Employee Directory 120

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